Katye Kellye (Kat-cha Kel-lee) is very, very tired of Autocorrect trying to change her name. Her band, The Interruption, was until recently composed solely of amazing studio professionals who have worked with bands you’ve actually heard of. Ms. Kellye has assembled a band with musicians who need to be heard from. She has been a singer and songwriter for a relatively short time (in geologic terms) or a very large number of dog years. Ms. Kellye writes incisive, pointed, bad-assed songs of experience that are probably not about you. (Although if you think they are, maybe you need to think about why that might be.) Also love songs tinged with levity that you wish were about you. Katye was the lead singer of Toxic Shox, her first offering in about 35 years was the 2019 EP, Vanity Project, available on most streaming services (all links linktr.ee/katyekellyeandtheinterruption) Her sound blends her downtown punk roots with hints of classic arena rock, “Wall of Sound” girl groups, and opera. Their first full-length album, “Late Bloomer” was released January 17, 2020, and since then have been followed by several singles and their second full album, “Sophomore Slump” on February 26, 2021. They are all available from Quinterruption Music on all major streaming services, Amazon and Apple Music. Several music videos are in production and the band will be promoting the album live in selected venues as the world reopens safely. Watch for announcements, and join our mailing list to hear about where!