From an assortment of locations across the US, indie-pop enthused 19 Miles Per Hour are set to release their new single, ‘CONTRADICTIONS’ this month. With the goal to unite using music, the quartet centralizes upon the notion that melodies have the power to make us feel like we are not alone in this world. Culturally relevant lyricism coupled with catchy yet passionate rhetoric, 19 Miles Per Hour hope to bring further awareness to conversations surrounding mental health. Mikey wrote ‘CONTRADICTIONS’ one day after he was inspired by the lead piano riff. He felt like he needed to write this song about the crazy world we live in and how we all say we want the world to change, but yet we don’t prove it with actions. “‘CONTRADICTIONS’ is our cry for help. It’s our cry for love and togetherness. We want this song to inspire people to be the best version of themselves and to show love and acceptance towards everyone and anyone they come into contact with.” says the singer. Contradictions is slated for release on 19th September 2022.