Three years ago, Indecisive released their debut single. Then the inevitable happened (uni, life,covid) and plans were put on hold. It’s been a whirlwind to get here, but now they’re finally ready to share more of their sound with the world – and there’s no better track to do it with than something refreshingly energetic and an undeniable earworm. Combining numerous influences together – anything from Radiohead to the video gameTransistor – Indecisive have formed a unique style that brings all of their individual interests into one body of work. ‘The Motions’ has the typical facade of an upbeat and joyous song but the lyrics tell an opposing story of being stuck in a rut, treating others around you with disdain and not being able to stop. It’s a tale too many of us have experienced and perfectly sums up what living through lockdown after lockdown felt like. On the inspiration behind the track, lead singer Drew explains, “I was thinking about the cycles when it came to my relationships: the return to a certain moment, repeating similar mistakes, the inability to find happiness within that – there’s a term for it, ‘the hedonic treadmill’”. The track was mixed by James Grant (Baby Dave, Sterling Press, False Heads) and mastered by Conor Kearney (Home Counties).