‘You Shine Bright’, is a self-released EP from Bettie J Williams, released on 26th February 2022, available on all streaming platforms now to listen/download. Passionate about people, humanity and truth, Bettie is a Singer-Songwriter from Cardiff, Wales. Ever amazed by the power of storytelling and the ability of words (in both a pure and embellished musical form) to empower, emphasize, and enrich, she notes the power of music to unite when words fail, to spark solidarity when it doesn’t seem possible and, always promote hope. Everybody has a story and music often tells a story when words fail or when we are not yet sure where to start. Having performed in various settings (and countries) big and small- from St David’s Hall Cardiff, Festivals, Outreach events in Harare, Zimbabwe and, once upon a time, busked in Nashville, Bettie has been writing and playing live gigs with her acoustic guitar and bowler hat and performing in bands since her early teens. An accomplished songwriter, now in her twenties, Bettie has crafted a unique ability to arrange words that document, inspire and encourage reflection. She has a profound way of telling a story and her personable approach means audiences feel her warmth as she captivates any room with ease. Placing a strong emphasis on connection and collaboration, Bettie doesn’t see her music or sound as something ‘static’ but ever-changing and ever-absorbing new influences and inspiration and sees much beauty in the process. Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bettiejwilliamsofficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bettiejwilliams/ Website: www.bettiejwilliams.com Email: contact@bettiejwilliams.com