Led by the enigmatic Rev Rabb, the genre-breaking Revolution Rabbit Deluxe are a three-piece alternative rock band with punky overtones. Revolution Rabbit Deluxe (RRD) began as a solo project but soon evolved into a working band based around Blackwood, in the heart of the South Wales valleys. Their brand of melody driven innovative indie / alt rock has gathered excellent reviews, along with regular airplay. They’ve recently been played on the BBC and are poised to conquer mainstream radio. In January 2021, RRD were named the runner up in Brecon Indie Reviews ‘Band of the Year’ category saying, “these dudes have masterful talent; are wonderfully bizarre and have no imagination ceiling.” At the end of 2021, RRD signed to SWND Records. Revolution Rabbit Deluxe consists of Rev Rabb who plays guitars and sings lead vocals. Ben Davies who plays bass and sings with the help of large amounts of black coffee. Dave H plays trains and drives drums, but he can’t remember which way around it is. Rev Rabb on Resolving in E “Resolving in E examines the obstacles and sacrifices made by the struggling independent artist. The relationships and time that they give up for music writing and all for the potential futility of a few listeners. It is a rather personal song because I’ve long considered myself a fool and a failure to find an audience but, despite that, the song ends optimistically, “I’m still sending code into the dark sky,” because one day a response will come. “The song began as a simple riff built around the unusual combining of the major chords of A-C-E. The high strike-off octave notes came later in the process and, to me, represent radar pings echoing ever outward from composer to listener. The single is the first release from Revolution Rabbit Deluxe’s fourth album, ‘The Great Divide’, and represents a whole new change in direction: more mature; more thoughtful; and more reflective. We hope Resolving in E inspires even just one artist to keep plodding on.”