In a world dominated by overnight internet sensations and one-hit-wonders, emerging star Ainsley Costello has her eyes set on creating a legacy that stands the test of time. Delicately delivered yet powerfully profound, Costello’s heartfelt and personal approach to lyricism translates into a seraphic, easily digestible, and heartwarming listening experience. At only 15, the Seattle native now based in Nashville released a strikingly diverse debut album titled ‘You Know I Am’ – on the surface, a collection of country pop songs but dig deeper and you’ll unravel a multitude of diverse influences that speak to the insecurities of today’s teen. In February 2020, Ainsley and her family relocated to Nashville. Throughout quarantine, Ainsley used this time to continue to write new material, releasing a song each month during her ‘Quarantine Singles’. Additionally, this provided an opportunity to meet and network with songwriters throughout Nashville and around the world.Ironically, after moving to Nashville (the country music capital of the world) in 2020, Ainsley pivoted towards a more pop-rock vibe through Nashville rock influences such as Paramore and Kings of Leon. During quarantine, she wrote with dozens of Nashville Row writers to pull together the equivalent of her second album. Released as singles every month throughout 2021 her sound has evolved. Ainlsey has clearly managed to take a strain of LA pop and bring it down south, turning heads and amassing a dedicated fanbase in the process.Ainsley cut her teeth performing in a variety of school talent shows and musical theater productions from the age of 7, and has since gone on to study piano, guitar, vocal performance, and songwriting. At just 15, Ainsley began taking classes at the prestigious Berklee College of Music while simultaneously working on her high-school finals. She graduated from high school at 16 and was accepted to the Berklee College of Music’s Business Degree program. She is now finishing up her sophomore year of college at Berklee, and still only 17.At a very young age, Ainsley has begun performing live with a full band of adult professional-level musicians and regularly holding down a 3-hour set of cover songs and originals at just 14. Prior to COVID-19, Ainsley impressively performed over 130 shows in 10 states. Notable performances included shows at NAMM 2019-2020 and Americana Fest 2019, and she was also involved with both The Voice and American Idol when she was just 13. At 14, Ainsley became one of Breedlove Guitars youngest endorsed artists and has also since been endorsed by Mackie Audio. Next up for Ainsley Costello is the release of her 24th all time single, “TYPE”. Described by some as a pivot to “pretty punk” Type echoes No Doubt and Paramore in this catchy, fun and upbeat song that pokes fun at the cliché “I don’t like the type… they type likes me.”You can learn more about Ainsley at ainsleycostello.com.