Kosmic Dragon is a Power Metal band from Riverside, California. Story driven and littered with pop-culture reference, the musical style of Kosmic Dragon combines their love of 70’s style synthesis, 80’s Sci-fi movies and 90’s Power Metal. With influences like Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Iron Maiden, and Iced Earth, the mixture of heavy riffs, high flying vocals and atmospheric synths add up to a unique cosmic experience.Their debut release, The Galactic Hammer, quickly gathered listeners on the NWOTHM Full Albums YouTube channel and was number 6 on the most listened to albums of the month. All over the world people have come to listen to the universal heartbeat that is Kosmic Dragon.Forged by the fire that was once one of Socal’s finest Metal acts, Tower Guard, the creative minds and songwriters continue their kosmic quest in the telling of an epic tale in a galaxy far, far away. Now aboard the Kosmic Dragon, the crew takes the listeners on a trip through the endless realms of time and space. An engaging and immersive live show is experienced as the members of the band perform their roles of the bridge crew to ensure the survival of those aboard the Kosmic Dragon.”In a cosmic nutshell, (The Galactic Hammer) is an album that merges a cinematic experience with a quirky yet enjoyable mishmash of early epic heavy metal, melodic death metal and space rock influences and distills them down into something that might seem a far cry from the familiar figures of Helloween or Jag Panzer, yet carries equal appeal to both camps.” – hells_unicorn, The Metal Archives.